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Bruce Barrymore Halpenny Aviation Books Introduction by Bruce Barrymore Halpenny



Bruce Barrymore Halpenny Aviation Books

Introduction by Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

Introduction by Author Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

This excellent Website has been arranged for me by my son … it is not I doing it; and, have nothing to do with the Internet. All I have done, after all has been made ready for me, is to type the brief contents, info about my books and this Introduction to my Website, and that has been quick, for I am not allowed to smoke my cigar while typing on the computer in the Computer Studio, and for me, it is the cigar that makes me work.

So, where were we? … Ah, yes, my Introduction piece? So, at stated, apart from this I have nothing to do with my Web Site. It is their world, not mine. Mine is a good cigar which works out on average of 6 a day, a good bottle of red wine with each meal, mostly two at night for now time to enjoy one with my cigar; and, a pretty Signorina or two to help with the many files, photographs, housework and to keep me a youthful 27.

The e-mails that you kindly send, do mostly reach me and I do read them when I get time. Those that need a reply I have tried to do so when I get a free morning, but recently there has been many emails, too many for me to deal with the way I would like.

I have requested that the email link be removed as I have to rely on others to deal with them, plus I have never been comfortable with this form of communication. So instead I now have what they fancifully call a geographic address for you to contact me, which is the address of ANZIO Group. If you want the letter to only be read by myself, then please mark “Private & Confidential”

The letter will probably reach me quicker and I can deal with it in the best way I know. I still prefer the traditional approach.

As I have often said, “Time and tide waits for no man” and as a very good friend of mine, Harry Coulby, would add, “and not many women either”.

I know that you will enjoy my Web Site, and I know from the many letters and e-mails that you enjoy my Books. It is always a great pleasure to hear from my Fans, for I like to know what you like best. Thank you for your much-valued support over the years. Let me know which of my books you like best, and if you have a favourite story.

To you All, Good Health, Wealth … be it from reading good books or winning on the horses … and Happiness. To that I will raise my glass and say

….. Cheers!

Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

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