A review of The War in Italy 1942-1945 & TOP SECRET RAF Barnham & I by my good friend Wing Commander Ken Wallis
can be found HERE!
The War in Italy 1942-1945 is out end of August 2009.
With first hand accounts from the landings in Sicily through to Finale Emilia and the killing of Mussolini.
At 334 pages and around 156 photographs and illustrations it is only £14.99.
The new Books of Ghost Stations™, based on my original Ghost Stations™ Series
are out now, with more to follow.
For more information go to the
GhostStations.com Website.
At around 200 pages and only £9.95 each, they are great value for money.
The Avro Vulcan Adventure
Told for the very first time the true Facts - First Hand - about the Vulcan V-Bombers role as a nuclear
Told for the first time the Facts about Britain’s nuclear bombs, that were ready to be used in the Suez
War in 1956.
Shown and told for the first time the Special Duties Nuclear Force that guarded the V-Bombers nuclear
bombs and warheads at RAF Barnham Top-Site, the only such nuclear Station in the world, that costs £millions
to build.
Told for the first time the true Facts regarding the Falklands War and the role - and why - the Vulcan
V-Bombers played.
As always in my Books … but this Book surpasses all my other Books - unique photographs and maps,
published for the first time.
The English Vulcan V-Bomber is German - I prove it so - for it has its roots in Germany.
Plus much, much more.
Bruce Barrymore Halpenny
My Action against the Copyright thieves still goes on ... and has been moved to this section of the Website.
Action Against Copyright Thieves
For someone to come along, sit on their bum and lift the stories from my books (in other words ... steal)
just isn’t on, and where I find plagiarism, I will deal with it. If plagiarism like this isn’t stopped,
then genuine authors just won’t do any new research and create new material, because as it is
they often find it hard to recoup the money they have spent. Plagiarists just steal other
people’s hard work.
Bruce Barrymore Halpenny
